Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hit Gold Cap in war craft world : Earn 214,748 Gold In 5 Easy Lessons

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Discover How You Can Make 214,748 Gold with 5 Step by Step Lessons to the Ultimate Gold Stash . . .

How Much Gold Do You Think You Can Really Make….

Epic Mounts, Countless Gear Sets, Every Major Gem, Enchants…It Could All Be Yours…

From: Tony "T Dub" Sanders
Date: August 29, 2010

Dear Cash Starved Player,

Tired of hunting for World of Warcraft gold? Tired of gold guides telling you how to do everything but make gold in decent chunks? What good is all that strategy if the end result is a big pile of nothing? Hours of your life spent each day to get…what….500, 1000, 5000 gold? What does that much gold even buy you these days?

A single mount?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. Gold making isn’t what it used to be. With inflation, the mountain of really cool stuff and Blizzard’s ongoing quest to turn everything in sight into a giant gold sink, it’s impossible to feel like you ever have enough gold.

That is, unless you have all the gold. You’ve probably heard tell of the legendary gold cap – the artificial limit put into the game by Blizzard for the sake of easy math that keeps players from making more than 214,748 gold. You may even have heard of people tapping this amount and being stuck – with nowhere to go but down.

What a horrible problem to have, huh?

Get ready to be horrified because I’m about to make that problem yours and yours alone with the world’s best guide to hitting the Gold Cap in World of Warcraft.

It’s Time to Hit the Gold Cap

I won’t bore you with details on how broke I was in World of Warcraft. Let’s just put it this way, I started where you all started, with nothing. And, eventually I learned how to have a heck of a lot more than nothing. Today, I’ve hit the gold cap on three different characters and am rolling hard to the cap on a fourth. And no, it’s not a cheat, hack, or some other sneaky nonsense.

I’m doing it, fair and square and using methods Blizzard has given their express written consent to use.

Which is why I’m here. I didn’t just hit the gold cap – no that would be too easy. I wrote down everything I did and crafted it into the ultimate game plan to hit the gold cap that will work for anyone. This isn’t just another gold cap story meant to make you swoon with jealousy.

This is the real deal and you’re about to learn what it takes to dominate the Auction House in ways you never thought possible.

It’s time to become the single richest player you know, and it starts by throwing away those old gold guides and learning how the real masters hit the gold cap.

Hit Gold Cap’s 5 Step Process to Infinite Riches

Here’s the thing. World of Warcraft is expensive these days. You need a LOT of gold to get anything done. Just the new crafting patterns in Patch 3.3 can cost you over 20,000 gold to make. Think about what those things are selling for.

So, having 50,000 gold is not what it used to be. But, what about 214,748 gold. And what about having that much gold on as many characters as possible, all of them storing it so that whatever you want can be yours on any character, any realm, any faction, any time.

Updated For:

That’s what Hit Gold Cap was designed to do and that’s what I want to show you today – the world’s best course to skip the mindless farming and start making gold in epic volumes, far more than silly things like farming Eternals or running Daily quests could ever afford you.

If making gold was a cake walk, we’d all hit the gold cap. The other methods don’t work. They just promise you a “lot” of gold and then disappoint each and every time. If you’re really serious about hitting the gold cap, you need to go beyond the conventional knowledge. You need to start thinking like a pro – like someone who doesn’t just understand the Auction House, but who can dominate it.

And my only requirement before we get started? Start up your account, create a Level 1 character, and go make 10-20 silver. Done? Then you’re ready to start your quest toward the Gold Cap.

Yeah…it’s that easy.

What Hit Gold Cap Offers You

The biggest question I get about Hit Gold Cap is what the secrets are. What exactly am I doing different from the other guides that allows you to hit the gold cap when everyone else is stuck at 20,000 or 30,000 gold. Sure that’s a lot, but let’s face it, it’s not nearly as much as it used to be.

Before I say anything else, I want you to know what my gold making system does not do. Before you think “ah, another gold guide”, read this next section very carefully.

However, before I begin...

What Hit Gold Cap Does NOT Do:
Hit Gold Cap does NOT require you to farm anything. This is all trading and careful manipulation of server prices.
Hit Gold Cap does NOT require you to complete any quests. If you want to do some quests, have at, but it’s not a requirement and never will be.
Hit Gold Cap does NOT ask you to finance your own gold run. You can start at Level 1, with no professions and no gold and still hit the gold cap.
Hit Gold Cap does NOT require you to break any rules of Blizzard’s Terms of Service. Want to get 214,748 gold, but don’t want to get banned for buying it from Chinese Farmers? This is the guide for you.

Hit Gold Cap will NOT neglect to update every time there’s a major patch or expansion. New content means more gold opportunities – you’d better be ready for them. We are.

Hit Gold Cap is not another gold guide. I don’t want anyone out there thinking that I’m just going to throw a few dozen gold farming techniques at you and then leave you on your own in the wild. My guide is a step by step walkthrough of what it takes to make the most possible gold in World of Warcraft, each and every time.

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FlightProSim Full Scenery Set

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This is the Game Flight Fans have Been Waiting for...

With 100+ aircraft to master, from the 1903 Wright Flyer to the latest military fighter jet and you know you will be busy for months...

Add in changeable weather, 20,000+ airports, life like controls, NASA flight models, World Wide Scenery based on US Defense Mapping Agency AND lifetime updates / upgrades you know you will be busy for years...

FlightProSim has been built to be as close to real life as possible. Everything from terrain, aircraft reactions, to planetary alignments & movements.

The virtual controls are based on Real Life cockpits and you will find night flying more enjoyable with ground lighting concentrated in urban areas, car headlights on major roadways and accurate airport approach lighting. It doesn't get any closer to the real thing...

FlightProSim features highly detailed time of day modeling that places the sun, moon, stars, and planets correctly based on Real Time data from your computer clock.

If it's dawn in Beijing right now, it's dawn in the sim right now when you locate yourself in virtual Beijing.

The sun, moon, stars, and planets all follow their correct courses through the sky. The modeling also correctly takes into account seasonal effects so you have 24 hour days north of the Arctic Circle in the Summer...
If flying with perfect weather at dawn is just not a challenge anymore, why not add another dimension and watch your plane soar through gail's, wind, rain, snow or even lightning. You have the control to choose this, or for added realism why not use real life data.

Flight Pro Sim can calculate your nearest airport and fetch the current METAR for that station from the NOAA weather service. The atmosphere parameters calculated are: temperature, dew point, pressure density, wind (three dimensional) and visibility

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